Retrieves the current gas price from the Ethereum network.
import { getRpcClient, eth_gasPrice } from "thirdweb/rpc";const rpcRequest = getRpcClient({ client, chain });const gasPrice = await eth_gasPrice(rpcRequest);
function eth_gasPrice( request: EIP1193RequestFn< [ { Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: `0x${string}`]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: `0x${string}`; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: `0x${string}`; }, ] >,): Promise<bigint>;
The EIP1193 request function.
let request: EIP1193RequestFn< [ { Method: "web3_clientVersion"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "web3_sha3"; Parameters: [data: `0x${string}`]; ReturnType: string; }, { Method: "net_listening"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: boolean; }, { Method: "net_peerCount"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: `0x${string}`; }, { Method: "net_version"; Parameters?: undefined; ReturnType: `0x${string}`; }, ]>;