
Encodes the signed key request metadata into a hexadecimal string. This function takes in the request signer's address, the key request signature, the request Fid, and the deadline, and returns the encoded ABI parameters as a hexadecimal string. It's used to prepare the metadata for transactions involving signed key requests.


const encodedMetadata = encodeSignedKeyRequestMetadata({
requestSigner: "0x123...",
keyRequestSignature: "0xabcd...",
requestFid: 123456789n,
deadline: 1657758061n,
function encodeSignedKeyRequestMetadata(options: {
deadline: bigint;
keyRequestSignature: `0x${string}`;
requestFid: bigint;
requestSigner: string;
}): Hex;


The options for encoding the signed key request metadata.


let options: {
deadline: bigint;
keyRequestSignature: `0x${string}`;
requestFid: bigint;
requestSigner: string;


let returnType: `0x${string}`;

The encoded ABI parameters as a hexadecimal string.